So I finished my 5th semester about 3 weeks ago. It was by far the worst semester. I had never been so stressed out during degree. During semester 4, I thought that was already the toughest as I took 9 subjects but only 3 papers for final exam. The rest were 100% assessments. But this recent semester I took 10 subjects, 7 with final exam and 3 without. My core subjects were Spanish Morphology, Spanish Syntax, Translation, Spanish Literature 2, Spanish Civilization 2 as well as Spanish Communication and Tourism. The rest were the electives which were Methods in Language Research and Language at Work, Advanced Communication Skills (English) and a university subject which was Ethnic Relations.
My core subjects weren't that hard, except for Literature, obviously. However, I managed to score almost full marks on both tests. Methods in Language Research was quite complex, as expected. The main reason I opt to just take it anyway was that I just knew that it would definitely help to prepare myself for my Final Year Project, which is to be worked on this upcoming semester. Spent 14 weeks working on the research proposal with Imran, with each week working last minute whereby Imran had to hear me whine "Imran, macam mana ni?" and "Imran, I takut." Despite all of that, we always turned out to be, somehow, better than every other group.
The killer subject was the Advanced Communication Skills. It's actually for English but we don't even learn English as in the grammar and such. I have never regretted getting Band 5 until I had to take this subject. We learned how to give opinionated speeches and debates, which everyone knows I suck at since forever. My self-confidence, during this class, was in the drain. I spent sleepless nights on this subject, I had spent all my Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays getting really anxious over this Thursday class that started at 5 pm and ended at 8 pm. The anxiety was so real to the point that sometimes, I couldn't even eat or speak to anyone. The combination of a really strict lecturer, classmates who were so much better and the crazy tasks that really were not my thing, definitely threw my self-esteem down the stream. It was mentally and physically exhausting.
For finals, I made notes on coloured hard papers. It helped a lot, actually. But it could've helped more if I started drafting the notes sooner. Typical Adlina with her last-minute work culture, urgh. All papers were quite easy, except for... Yup, you guessed it. Literatura. Una pura tortura. We suddenly had to analyze shit, which we never even did in class. Anyway, for Civilization, I already know my score hehe. It's 86 which means issan A, yay! It is now 2.52 am and there are a few hours left to check our results. I still have no idea what to feel. Usually, I would feel both nervous and excited. For this semester, I am more on the scared side. Keeping my fingers crossed. I may or may not update on this. Besos (y sudores)
Update: To be honest, I had been anticipating only the worst for Semester 5, which was, a line of Bs and no Dean's list. So last Monday, approximately at 11 am, I checked my result. Boy was I surprised seeing all 10As and my GPA being higher than ever which is 3.89 while my CGPA is 3.75. I am extremely grateful that all my sweat and tears were paid off well.
The last time I achieved straight As was when I was 15, for PMR. Form 4 and form 5 were hell of course I couldn't get straight As. Then I did Diploma in Human Resource Management and now Degree in Spanish Language and Linguistics. Ever since diploma, the best I could get, and what I usually get was all As and one B. Yes, that annoying one B. Finally got rid of it this recent semester. So I got 5As and an A+ for my Spanish core subjects, A for Ethnic Relations and A- for Methods in Language Research, Advanced Communication Skills and Language at Work.
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