I Was Right All Along

I was the girlfriend who never gets jealous. I really didn't mind you having girls as your best friend. I know you had a few, and that was totally fine with me. But when it comes to this particular girl, I just can't. Back then, I couldn't tell why. I barely even know her. But there's just something that made me feel so irritated whenever you tell me about her. 

I always had a feeling that she has a thing for you. And after denying, time and again, you finally told me that she really does have a thing for you. I knew it. A girl KNOWS when a bitch likes her boyfriend. That's why I never liked her. And for you to be " best friends" is just utter crap. 

So you thought what I have with Azhar could be compared to you and her. I guess some people just don't get why Azhar and I could remain as friends. Yes, we had our past. But we know our limits. We are completely aware of our status. And we have known each other for quite a while so it is relevant for me to keep him close to me.

Compared to the sleazy little slut whom you have only known for the past one year, who obviously likes you.. What made you think it is relevant for you? You knew she likes you. Have you not think that keeping her only give her more hope? 

And in the end, along with the shaky iman of yours, you drown in the sea of guilty pleasures. 

Such a sad thing but I never regretted leaving.

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